WOW! I've been all over the board with what i want to be when i grow up! Growing up, all i ever wanted to do was become a movie producer. I graduated high school and went on to college to pursue that dream. While away in school, i made a few bad choices. Towards the end of the school year, i was involved in a bad car accident that altered my life plan. Ever since that day, i have questioned what i wanted to do for years. I enrolled myself into cosmetology school and realized i had a knack for doing hair! I LOVED it! I found out i was pregnant a week before graduating. I went on to take my cosmetology exam to become a licensed hairstylist in the state of Florida. I passed the theory with flying colors. I missed the practical half by 2 points. Instead of kicking it up a notch and re-taking the exam, i went back into depressed "whoa is me" mode. I decided to stay working as a waitress/bartender while i was pregnant. (Living the dream - i know:) After my son was born, i decided it was best to stay at home with him. I was back to "what should i do with my life?".
My son was so attached to me that i ended up being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM). It has been awesome! I wouldn't trade the time in the world for anything! My son just turned 3! I took on a part-time job last Novemeber and LOVE it but wanted and needed MORE for myself. Just recently, i signed up to become a BEACHBODY COACH! When my friend, Dara, decided to become a coach, she put it out there she was looking for people who wanted to change their life. Her posts literally tugged at me and pulled me into this world of GETTING FIT, FEELING GOOD, and INSPIRING OTHERS. I signed up to be a COACH to keep myself accountable and inspire others. I am excited about this NEW JOURNEY and i'm finding my way in this world. Being 31 without a "LIFEPLAN" is something i've always had to deal with - but it's been my personal choices that have brought me to this place. I can't go back and change those choices - BUT, i can make the choices i have in the future to better my life and that is what i am doing! XO